ICAPS Online Summer School on Automated Planning & Scheduling

Participant registration is now closed. If you wish to sign up as an auditor, follow the instructions at the bottom of this page.

General information and Important Dates

Application DateSeptember 14
Notification of AdmissionSeptember 21
Date of SchoolOctober 12-16
OrganisersMalik Ghallab, Michael Cashmore

School Program and Speakers

The 2020 ICAPS Summer School will provide students with the opportunity to learn about both the foundations and recent developments in exciting research areas in AI planning and scheduling, robotics, and plan execution. It will offer two days of training labs and three days of lectures.

Detailed Program: icaps-online-summer-school-program

Overview Lecture:
Lessons From Researching, Developing, and Deploying Autonomous Mobile Robots
Manuela Veloso, Head JPMorgan Chase AI Research, Professor at Carnegie Mellon University

Lectures will include Q&A sessions and cover the following topics:

Training labs involve group exercises and interactive sessions, interspersed through
the week. Outside of the interactive sessions, a Slack channel and forum will be available to ask questions and discuss with other students. The training labs cover the following topics:

  • Plan Synthesis (PS)
    An introduction to planning and modelling, with domain modelling exercises. Exercises are planned to run online using planning.domains.
  • Plan Execution (PE)
    An introduction to the Robot Operating System and plan execution in ROS. Exercises in robotics domains with manipulation and navigation. Simluations are planned to be run online using online environment at the construct.

Online simulation environment from theconstructsim.com

Virtual Summer School

The summer school will be held fully online, through tools such as Zoom.

  • All lectures will be held as webinars on Zoom, with a chat channel for questions and answers, moderated by a co-host.
  • Interactive sessions will be held in Zoom with breakout rooms for group exercises.
  • A dedicated Slack #channel will be available for students to interact during and outside of the sessions.
  • Introductory planning sessions and group exercises in domain modelling make use of tools such as planning.domains.
  • Group exercises and interactive sessions will take place using online planning and simulation environments.

No special software is required for attending the school.

Application Procedure

Applicants must submit the following documents, merged into one PDF and in this order:

  • Completed ICAPS Summer School application form (LINK).
  • A light-weight letter describing how the applicant’s research topic is connected to the school. Maximum 1-page. The purpose of the letter is for the school chairs to be able to confirm, at a high level, that the school content is in principle suited to your background.

Auditor Application

Participant registration is now closed. If you wish to register as an auditor instead, this means:

  • You will be given a link to access the online lectures.
  • Once the lectures begin you will be given access to the school #slack channel for Q&A.

Auditors will not have access to the interactive lab sessions, or advance access to the lab material and #slack channel.

To register as an auditor, please fill in the form: https://forms.gle/5vPhed3QXUn1msED9