Call for papers for the Humans and Robotics Track at the 30th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) June 2020 @ Nancy, France
The Humans and Robotics track welcomes research contributions in the general area of Planning and Scheduling (P&S), which relate to robotics and human-robot interaction systems. P&S models and techniques are indeed crucial for enabling flexible and structured behaviors in systems interacting with humans; the deployment of plan-based methods are particularly challenging in the presence of interactive human agents, whose interventions are to be continuously interpreted and suitably managed by the control system, while maintaining goal-orientation, efficiency, and safety. The track is proposed in continuity with the past ICAPS Robotics tracks (2014-2019) extended with a special focus on the human side (cognitive models, collaborative task execution, multi-modal interaction and communication, human-robot teaming, human monitoring, social interaction, task teaching, user interfaces, user models, user studies, human factors, etc.). Therefore contributions related to P&S methods for collaborative and interactive systems are particularly encouraged.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Plan-based interactive systems
- Human-aware planning and execution
- Integrated task and motion planning
- Human monitoring and plan recognition
- Goal recognition and reasoning
- Mixed-initiative planning and adjustable autonomy
- Cognitive modeling, social interaction, and theory of mind
- Adversarial action planning in competitive robotic domains
- Multi-modal interaction and communication
- Task teaching and learning by demonstration
- Learning methods for planning in presence of humans
- Behavior transparency and explainability
- Representation and acquisition of planning models
- Explanation of planning and learning models
- Plan execution, failure detection and recovery
- Planning with uncertainty in presence of humans
- Adaptive user interfaces
- Multi-robot planning and human-robot teaming
- Plan-based methods for co-bots
- Cooperative manipulation
- Formal methods for robot planning and control
- Safety, ethics, and transparency in robot planning and human monitoring
- Benchmarking planning domains for robots and humans
- Real-world robotic applications
Submission Instructions
Important Dates
- November 15, 2019 Abstracts due (electronic submission)
- November 20, 2019 Papers due (electronic submission, PDF)
- January 6-9, 2020 Author feedback period
- January 20, 2020 Notification of acceptance or rejection
The reference time-zone for all deadlines is UTC-12. That is, as long as there is still some place anywhere in the world where the deadline has not yet passed, you are on time!
Track Chairs
Rachid Alami, CNRS
Alberto Finzi, Università di Napoli Federico II
Luca Iocchi, Università di Roma Sapienza