System Demonstrations and Exhibits

The System Demonstrations and Exhibits program at ICAPS 2020 provides an opportunity for planning and scheduling researchers and practitioners to demonstrate their state-of-the-art implementations in action. This event allows the community to experience some of the latest contributions to the field while broadening the reach of novel methods.

Researchers from all sub-areas of AI planning and scheduling are encouraged to submit proposals to demonstrate their systems. Submissions will be evaluated based on their novelty; scientific or industrial contributions’ relevance to the conference theme and to users; and presentation. We welcome submissions that demonstrate novel techniques for automated planning and scheduling, as well as commercial, mature systems, and innovative applications recently deployed or in development that rely on automated planning and scheduling in a significant way. Tools for teaching planning or scheduling are also relevant.

There will be an award for Best System Demonstration.

Submission Instructions

Potential exhibitors should submit their applications via EasyChair, at and select the ICAPS 2020 Demos track. The submission should contain the following: 

  • An extended abstract of no more than 2 pages, plus 1 page containing only bibliographical references, in the AAAI format. This should include the title of the proposed demonstration, the list of authors and their affiliations, and an abstract of up to 250 words. It should describe the technical content of the demonstration, with the appropriate credits and references.
  • A storyboard describing the proposed demonstration, submitted as a presentation of up to 10 slides in PowerPoint or PDF format, or alternatively, a link to a video file no more than 2 minutes long, hosted on a service that allows streaming, and optionally, downloading. The storyboard is as important as the extended abstract for evaluating the suitability and merit of the proposed demonstration.

The extended abstracts for accepted demonstrations will be available to conference participants and will be archived on the conference website.

COVID-19 Update

As ICAPS 2020 has become an online event due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we request the participants to prepare, besides the materials detailed above, one or more videos that demonstrate the system. These video materials, which should be natural extensions of any shorter-form ones already provided as part of the submission, can be uploaded to whatever platform the participants prefer. We will set up a dedicated website for the submissions, linking to the videos and other materials (links to repositories, online live execution environments, etc.) that the participants would like us to publish. This website (and accompanying video) illustrates what we envision the sites dedicated to each entry could look like.

Any participants willing to provide a live demonstration over the videoconferencing platform chosen by the conference organizers are invited to do so and, we will extend this invitation again when communicating that submissions have been accepted. At the time of writing this, we do not have any details on what will be the video conferencing platform used by the conference organizers, or what will be the schedule of these live seminars.

Thanks very much for reading and stay safe.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: September 16, 2020
  • Notification: October 7, 2020

System Demo Chairs